Θέλετε να αντιδράσετε στο μήνυμα; Φτιάξτε έναν λογαριασμό και συνδεθείτε για να συνεχίσετε.
Η συνέχεια της διάσημης σειράς βιβλίων έρχεται στα βιβλιοπωλεία στις 4 Αυγούστου με τίτλο «Midnight Sun» και αφηγείται την ιστορία του «Λυκόφωτος» από την πλευρά του Edward Cullen.
"Bella is with Edward. She's a part of this family, and we protect our family."
Carlisle Cullen, Twilight
Character of the Week
Rosalie Lillian Hale
(born 1915 in Rochester, New York) is a member of the Olympic coven.
She is the wife of Emmett Cullen and the adoptive daughter of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, as well as the adoptive sister of Jasper Hale (in Forks, she and Jasper pretend to be twins), Alice, and Edward Cullen.
Rosalie is the adoptive sister-in-law of Bella Swan and adoptive aunt of Renesmee Cullen, as well as the ex-fiancée of Royce King II.
Στο κατώφλι µιας νέας εποχής για τη Ροδεσία, η Μάντριγκαλ, έχοντας χάσει τον άντρα της λίγες µονάχα ώρες µετά τον γάµο τους, θρήνησε βαθιά την απώλειά του και αποφάσισε να ζήσει µε τη θύµησή του. Όµως δεν φαντάστηκε ποτέ πως θα της ζητούσαν να πάρει τη θέση της συζύγου του βασιλιά.
Ο βασιλιάς Έντουαρντ, αφού γνώρισε την απόλυτη ευτυχία δίπλα στη γυναίκα που λάτρεψε όσο καµία, την Άµπερλιν, δέχτηκε το σκληρότερο χτύπηµα της µοίρας όταν εκείνη πέθανε πριν προλάβει να φέρει στον κόσµο το παιδί τους. Ωστόσο, προκειµένου ν' ανταποκριθεί στα βασιλικά του καθήκοντα και να χαρίσει έναν διάδοχο στη Ροδεσία, είναι υποχρεωµένος να παντρευτεί ξανά και απ' όλες τις υποψήφιες επιλέγει τη Μάντριγκαλ.
Μήπως όµως το όνοµα της νέας του συζύγου κουβαλά µια σκοτεινή µοίρα; Άραγε υπάρχει ελπίδα να αλλάξει το πεπρωµένο; Θα καταφέρει η Μάντριγκαλ να ξυπνήσει την αγάπη στην καρδιά του άντρα και βασιλιά της; Κι εκείνος θα είναι σε θέση να αναγνωρίσει και να αποδεχτεί τα αισθήµατά του πριν χάσει τα πάντα για άλλη µια φορά;
Οντως τωρα εχει αργησει σχετικα αλλα κανονικα δεν πρεπει να μιλαμε καθολου...Μεσα σε πεντε χρονια μας χαρισε το επος που ειναι εξι βιβλια το σωμα μισο Midnight Sun και την ιστορια της στο Prom Nights....και ηδη γραφει νεο βιβλιο που απο τα λιγα που διαβασα φαινεται. τελειο...Συν του οτι πιστευω πως ολο και κατι θα ετοιμαζει για Τζεικ και Ρενεσμι.....
Η Στεφενι παντως στην πιο προσφατη συνεντευξη της-οταν βγηκε ο οδηγος τον Απριλιο δηλαδη- ανεφερε πως εχει στο μυαλο της μια ιστορια με σειρηνες που εχει την εντυπωση οτι θα ειναι επικη 1000+ δηλαδη ( ) για την οποια ανεμενουμε ακομη περισσοτερες λεπτομερειες. Λατρευω τις σειρηνες-η ιστορια τους στο πειρατες της καραιβικης 4 ηταν μαγικη- και λατρευω και την Στεφενι επομενως ανυπομονω.
Για αυτην την ιστορια εξαλλου εχει μιλησει πολλες φορες και μεταξυ αλλων αναφερε οτι οι σειρηνες της ειναι κανιβαλοι αλλα επειδη το υποβαλλει η κουλτουρα τους. Αλλο βιβλιο που σκοπευει να γραψει ειναι μια συνεχεια στο σωμα με τον τιτλο the soul. Μαλιστα εχει πει πως ειναι τριλογια με το τριτο βιβλιο να εχει τον τιτλο the seeker. Με αυτο σκοπευει να ασχοληθει δυναμικα το καλοκαιρι αρα του χρονου δεν θα το εχουμε ; Εχει γραψει ηδη τα πρωτα δυο κεφαλαια και το γενικοτερο σχεδιαγραμμα.
Παλιοτερα ειχε μιλησει και για μια ιστορια με φαντασματα και μεταφορα στο χρονο-παρον παρελθον μελλον- αλλα απο τοτε δεν εχει αναφερει τιποτε ξανα. Ακουγεται ομως ενδιαφερον. Μαλιστα σε μια συνεντευξη της το 2009 ειχε πει πως η ιστορια αυτη θα λεγεται summer house. Αλλα δεν ξαναμιλησε για αυτην ποτε απο τοτε.
Η ιστορια για Τζεικ Νεσσι φημολογητε πολυ τελευταια-αλλα απο το στομα της δεν εχει βγει τιποτε τετοιο. Οι φημες φουντωσαν παντως στην συνεντευξη της τον Απριλιο οταν την ρωτησαν για το μελλον του Τζεικομπ και ειπε πως προτιμαει να μην αναφερει τιποτε ακομα. Το σιγουρο ειναι ενα. Εχει ακομη πολλα να πει ως συγγραφεας και δεν θα μεινει μονο στο λυκοφως.
edit: Ξανακοιταξα την συνεντευξη και αναφερει ακομη μια ιστορια. Διαδραματιζεται στο μελλον και η ηρωιδα ειναι μια δυναμικη 17χρονη. Η ιστορια μιαλει για μακρινους τοπους και εχει μαχες με σπαθια ( ; ) Σας παραθετω και το κομματι της συνεντευξης που μιλαει για μελοντικα της βιβλια.
•On an as-yet-untitled book she might publish next: "It's a fantasy that takes place in another world where people are using bows and arrows and swords. There's a little bit of magic, but it's a very limited form of magic. The characters are human, and some have the ability to use magic and some don't. It's pretty dark. People die. The main character is a 17-year-old girl, and she's kind of cool."
•On another book she might complete and publish: "When I was growing up, I was obsessed with mermaids. I do have a very elaborate outline for a book. I'm not working on it right now, but I have the feeling it's going to be big. It's going to be 1,000 pages."
•On the second book in her three-book adult science-fiction series that began with The Host in 2008: "I have the outline written and the first two chapters. I need to get on it."
evi The Volturi
Ηλικία : 32 Τόπος : Neverland..Hogwarts...Idris.... Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 64746 Registration date : 16/10/2009
Ανυπομωνω για οτιδηποτε μας δωσει...Απο τα λιγα που μας εχει πει ολα φαινονται τελεια...κι εγω λατρευω τις σειρηνες...και ειμαι σιγουρη πως θα κανει την ιστορια τους ακομη πιο μαγικη...
twilightFOREVER Midnight Sun Vampire
Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 4265 Registration date : 25/07/2009
Οτι και να μας δωσει καλοδεχουμενο. Οταν ξεκινησα το σωμα ειχα ανγχος οτι δεν θα ειναι τοσο καλο οσο το λυκοφως. Εντωμεταξυ ειχα χωρις να το θελω υπερβολικα ψηλες προσδοκιες που τεχνικα ηταν αδυνατον να τις καλυψει ολες ενα βιβλιο. Και τελικα της καλειψε!
Εντωμεταξυ το site της τι επαθε; Δεν εχει αναφερει τιποτε ουτε καν για το graphic novel volume 2. Οτι μαθαμε απο την yen press το μαθαμε. Το trailer της χαραυγης παντως δεν μπορει θα το σχολιασει εστω ο Σεθ- ο αδερφος της- καποιoς δεν θα εμφανιστει;
Λετε να μην ασχολειται με το site γιατι τωρα που τελειωσαν τα γυρισματα της χαραυγης και δεν χρειαζεται να τρεχει σαν παραγωγος στα πλατο να αποφασισε να ασχοληθει με καμια αλλη ασχολια *cough* *το γραψιμο πχ**
evi The Volturi
Ηλικία : 32 Τόπος : Neverland..Hogwarts...Idris.... Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 64746 Registration date : 16/10/2009
Η Stephenie μετά από ένα μιση χρόνο χωρίς να ανανεώσει την ιστοσελίδα της (το τελευταίο ποστ της ήταν τον Μάιο του 2010 και το τελευταιο ποστ του αδέρφου της τον Απρίλιο του '11) επέστρεψε με ένα τέραστιο χορταστικό ποστ που μιλάει για τις εμπειρίες της από τα γυρίσματα του χαραυγή και του austenland (μία ταινία στην οποία είναι παραγωγός) αλλά και από τις εμπειρίες της με το αναμενόμενο σώμα που ξεκινάει γυρίσματα την Δευτέρα!!
Hey everybody!
I know it's been a long time—way, way too long—since I updated my site personally. 2011 was a bizarre, lovely, and insane year and I didn't spend nearly enough time where I should be—here at my keyboard.
Here is a pretty good visual of where I usually was instead. Note the thirteen layers of weather protection. In my very limited experience, watching movies being made is almost always a cold, wet business.
Since I've been M.I.A. so long, I thought I would do a little "my summer vacation" essay for those who are interested—though it's really a "my last whole year away making movies" essay, with occasional camera phone illustrations.
I'm going to break this down into three separate pages, as my time has been spread across a few different projects. Click the links to visit the pages you're interested in:
The Host:
First, a little tease: check back to this page soonish, as I will have some very exciting news to share about upcoming chance for you to get involved with The Host. Stay tuned!
The Host begins filming this coming Monday the thirteenth, and I am so excited. It's somewhat of a dream to have the creator and director of my favorite sci-fi film (Gattaca) helming this movie. I love the script he's written, I love his beautiful vision, and I love working with him.
I also can't say strongly enough how thrilled I am with our cast. The talent involved is unbelievable. We've been so blessed/lucky/kissed-by-fate all throughout the casting process. Wanda/Melanie is a very complicated role, and for a long time one of our biggest worries in the producer camp was finding an actress who could bring those two distinct personalities to life. And then Saoirse came along and we all quit worrying. If you've never had the pleasure of watching her act, I highly recommend her recent release, Hanna. Actually, watch her in anything she's done and you'll see what I mean. After Saoirse joined us, amazing actor after amazing actor signed on until none of us could believe our good fortune. Just the other day I got to meet William Hurt (!!) in full Jeb beard and hair, and it kind of choked me up. He looks amazing—they all look amazing!—and I can't wait to see them in action next week.
Another incredible addition to our cast—one which I believe I'm the first to announce—Maggie will be played by the wonderful Frances Fisher. Welcome, Frances, I couldn't be happier that you've chosen to join us!
Last week I got to tour the caves, too. They aren't finished yet, but wow! I've gotten to be on some fun builds before—the Eclipse mountaintop, the Cullen house, the Volturi tower, Edward and Bella's cottage (love!)—but nothing like this. It's massive and beautiful, and walking around inside is like walking around inside my imagination.
No pictures to share on this one yet. Everything is under wraps for now, but I can't wait until you can see some of the amazing things we've got underway.
So the busyness will not be ending anytime soon with all three projects currently ongoing. I'm hoping to get a little writing done at the same time, but writing on set has proved an elusive goal for me in the past year. I'm looking forward to this May, when I will officially be home for good and back here at my computer where I like to be best.
Have you ever read a book and thought to yourself, "This would be a great movie! I would love to see a movie of this story"?
That is exactly how Austenland the movie got started for me. My good pal Shannon sent me her first adult novel (by which I mean not written for children; sometimes people misunderstand that description), and I loved it. It was funny and romantic and I could see it all so clearly. What a great movie it would be. Shannon and I talked about how much fun it would be to take a video camera to England and film it ourselves, possibly using sock puppets for actors. We agreed that we would do so in ten years.
And then the lovely Jerusha Hess called Shannon to talk about directing a screen adaptation of one of her novels, and one thing led to another. And so, as some of you already knew, I've spent the last many months working on a little indie film called Austenland, based on the novel by Shannon Hale. It's really something to be intimately involved with a movie from the conception on through the filming and editing, and quite an education, too, with still more to learn as we get into post production now. Working with an author, rather than being the author, was a fun change. It helped that the author in question was my bestie.
Shannon and I on the set of Austenland with some of our actors.
I have to say, while certainly dramas can be equally enjoyable as comedies in the viewing, comedies are so much more fun to film. Nothing makes a night shoot bearable like constantly laughing yourself into hysterics.
Our cast was unbelievably funny—I'm sure most of you are familiar with Jennifer Coolidge's superlative comedic talent, and if you've seen Flight of the Conchords then you are already a little bit in love with funny, funny Bret McKenzie. (Congrats on the well-deserved Oscar nomination, Bret! I've got all my fingers and toes crossed for "Man or Muppet"!) I was really behind the times—this was my first exposure to James Callis, Georgia King, and Ricky Whittle, who I truly love, because they make me laugh. A lot.
At the heart of all this hilarity is the heroine of our story, sweet, lovable Keri Russell—whom I've been devoted to ever since Waitress, well, no, it goes all the way back to Felicity, really—and dreamy JJ Field, our resident Mr. Darcy. To top it all off, Jane Seymour plays our gorgeously frosty hostess.
Yes, it's pretty hard not to enjoy all of that. And it didn't hurt that I got to live in the English countryside for a summer, looking at this sort of thing all day long:
Stunning West Wycombe Manor, which doubled as our Pembroke Park.
One of the highlights of working on this particular movie was being part of Jerusha Hess's debut as a director. Jerusha is one half of the Napoleon Dynamite/Nacho Libre/Gentleman Broncos duo, which her husband Jared directed. She is brilliant and hilarious, and I think she brought both qualities to this mad fantasy world that I'm dying to visit in real life. That's the real bottom line here. I want an Austenland resort to exist. Bad. Can somebody get on that for me?
It's still going to be a while before Austenland makes its way toward theaters, but I will be sure to let you know when it gets close. In the meantime, here's a fun article from Screen Daily: www.screendaily.com/austenland/5037223.article
Breaking Dawn Part 1 & 2:
I've already said a lot about Breaking Dawn in various interviews, so most of this is probably not news. It was a surreal year in a lot of ways and also a crazy crash course in movie making, which came in really handy last summer (see Austenland).
Some of my favorite memories from filming BD 1&2, in random order:
- Weathering a "white squall" off the coast of Paraty, Brazil with the cast and crew during the filming of the honeymoon. We got trapped for the night due to rough seas—roughly 130 people in a house with eight beds, no food, and a very small amount of drinking water. I spent the night on the stair landing, sharing an old mattress covered in blackout fabric with the set photographer, set publicist, and the EPK team. (Shout out to the stair gang! Never forget!) I was actually offered a chance to escape, as was Bill Condon, but we both decided to go down with ship rather than abandon our crew.
- Exploring the third version of the Cullen House, a.k.a. Howl's Moving Castle, now bigger and better than ever. Finally getting to see Alice's room was awesome.
- Watching the creation of a three-story wedding cake composed of dead bodies. I may or may not have climbed to the top to get a picture.
- Being there for Kristen's first wedding dress fitting. Magic. Even Summit's head of marketing got all teary.
- Hanging with the new vampires. We had a lot of very cool people with us, which made the daily grind—particularly the days with wall-to-wall green screen and breathing-hazard fake snow—much more fun.
- Playing Farkle (wikipedia.org/wiki/Farkle) with Taylor and company. Yes, it is a real game, and just because I won doesn't mean I was cheating.
- Wearing more clothes at one time than I've ever worn on our Pemberton , B.C. set. People from Arizona should not go outside during February in Canada. They just embarrass themselves.
Drying out layers of sock during our lunch break.
- Watching Noel and Guri sing classic Madonna in Romanian accents and full costume.
- Finally seeing Bella and Edward get married, even if it meant freezing my butt off and ending up on screen (ew). Richard Sherman's design was so far beyond my expectations.
- The cottage! The nursery! It was a joke on set that any woman who walked into that nursery would spontaneously conceive. Too beautiful.
- Spending our very last night in beautiful St. Thomas. It was such a nice way to end 101 days of shooting.
From my hotel window in St. Thomas.
- Okay, this one doesn't count because it's not from the filming, but the premiere was a whole lot of amazing, and getting to meet style icon Carolina Herrera was one of the highest points in a night filled with high points. This may be my favorite picture ever:
Right now Breaking Dawn 2 is being edited and having special effects added. Still a ways to go with some very complicated effects; we're doing some things we've never done before. I've gotten to see a few scenes so far, and everything is so cool. Bill Condon has such a gift. I was there, I saw everything get filmed, yet I'm still always surprised at how he's able to put it together into something that is more than the sum of its parts.
I'm looking forward to the Breaking Dawn 1 DVD coming out this week. I actually have no idea what all is on it, and I've got my fingers crossed for some of my favorite scenes that didn't make it into the movie.
I look forward to seeing some of you in the upcoming months as publicity for Breaking Dawn 2 starts up. It feels so weird to think it's all coming to an end! Happy in some ways, depressing in others. The saddest part for me is that the next premiere is the last time I'll get to see you guys all together. It's something I always look forward to, even though it's frenzied and I don't really get a chance to talk to anybody. I'll just tell myself that a couple of you will show up for The Host premiere so that I don't get too depressed about finality and goodbyes. It's been quite a ride, hasn't it? Thanks for being there with me through all of this. It wouldn't have been any fun without you. See, now I'm getting maudlin. Better call it quits before I start crying.
evi The Volturi
Ηλικία : 32 Τόπος : Neverland..Hogwarts...Idris.... Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 64746 Registration date : 16/10/2009
Twilight author Stephanie Meyer today confirmed that her original Twilight book will be remade as a new film franchise with a release date scheduled for 2014. Speaking at a gala dinner last night Meyer confirmed that she will also direct the film "Fans will know that I wasn't hugely impressed by the first film in The Twilight Saga and this is my chance to show the movie the way I always intended it to be seen". Meyer, who has just finished work on the script to the upcoming sci-fi movie "The Host" revealed that Irish actress Saoirse Ronan will play the iconic Bella Swan, while Hunger Games star Josh Hutcherson will play Jacob Black, The role of Edward Cullen has yet to be cast with Meyer saying "It will be tough for anyone to fill Robert Pattinson's shoes, I did ask him to return to the role but he has a full schedule, instead he will make a small cameo playing Carlisle Cullen in the remake". Meyer also confirmed that the new Twilight saga will be filmed in Ireland and that lovable Irish twins Jedward will have a role in the film playing the Hale children Rosalie and Jasper, Meyer did not reveal if Rosalie's character will be changed to male or if one of the Jedward twins will play the character as female. Speaking of making the movie in Ireland Meyer said "Ireland is home of the vampire, the Dracula legend started there, luckily Bram Stoker's work is out of copyright so we can borrow many of his inspired ideas. Not to mention the beautiful scenery and wonderful gothic locations that offer many opportunities for filming, I'm already rewriting a scene to fit around the Spire on Dublin's O'Connell street, it reminds me of a giant stake and we can use it in one of the fight scenes."
The Twilight Reboot will open in cinemas on 1/4/2014
καλα θα ταν....
EliRose The Volturi
Ηλικία : 31 Τόπος : Magnolia Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 26698 Registration date : 20/11/2011
It’s hard to believe, but the end of “The Twilight Saga” is very near. But don’t shed any tears. Author Stephenie Meyer sure isn’t, at least not yet.
“Breaking Dawn, Part 2” opens November 16, and as MTV News prepares to sit down for the last round of interviews with cast (our “MTV First” with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner airs November 1 at 8 p.m. on MTV and MTV.com), the woman who started it all spoke with us about seeing the final film at last, whether the saga may in fact continue, and why she’s a little overwhelmed at the moment.
MTV: Hi, Stephenie! “Breaking Dawn: Part 2″ is almost here. Are you ready to take your victory lap? Stephenie Meyer: [laughs] I don’t think the term “victory lap” has ever entered my mind. In sports terms it’s a hurdle. We’ve got one more hurdle to jump in this area and then I have to go on to different ones.
MTV: Have you taken any time yet to reflect on this being the end of the franchise? Meyer: I’ve been carefully not thinking about it that way because I don’t want to be sad yet.
MTV: When did you see the final cut of the film? Meyer: Monday [October 22]. It was the first time I’ve seen it with all of the effects in place. It had a lot of impact. Also, all the music was in, which really impacts the emotion of it.
MTV: Did you find yourself getting a little emotional while watching the end? Meyer: Yeah. There’s no way not to [be emotional] with the end of this one. [Director] Bill [Condon] has a very good sense of how to really wring your emotions. He put the end together in such a way that I don’t think you cannot have a moment. I can only imagine the fans will really appreciate that moment of reflection.
MTV: Kellan Lutz recently said there’s a special bonus scene during the credits. What can you say about that? Meyer: That’s actually incorrect. What they’ve been talking about will be in DVD extras I assume but it’s not in the credits. There is no extra scene.
MTV: Of course the fans are very excited to see Kristen’s interpretation of Bella as a vampire at last. Meyer: It’s subtle and yet kind of amazing. She’s very self-possessed the way she holds herself. She’s a completely different kind of character.
MTV: Meanwhile Robert Pattinson has been describing the vampire sex in the film as “ridiculous” in recent interviews. Meyer: Yeah I saw that. I think he was talking about how it was so hard to keep a straight face [during that scene]. For the actors, there are 40 people in the room and most of them are inches away from you. It’s a kind of awkward menage-a-forty going on. I think when you see the scene it’s a testament to their acting ability that you don’t see any of that in that moment at all.
MTV: Are you happy with the changes that have been made from the book? Meyer:There is an element we had to change to make it more visual. The changes give us a bigger story. It’s something that me and [screenwriter] Melissa [Rosenberg] came up with over one long dinner in Vancouver. Once we had figured out how we wanted to do it everything really fell into place.
MTV:Can you shed some light on the recent reports that the studio is exploring a continuation of the franchise? Have you discussed more ‘Twilight’ with them? Meyer: I haven’t. I’ve had no conversations to that effect at all. I’ve seen a couple things about it but it’s really not anything I’ve heard about personally.
MTV: Are you open to more films or TV that would continue the story? Or would you rather any stories begin as books? Meyer: I don’t know. For me I have a very different agenda [than the studio]. It seems like that there should be some time, a resting period before that kind of thing comes up, but I know they have a different way of looking at things and I’m sure it will be discussed. I’m always open to conversation. Generally if it’s going to be characters that I like, I’d like to read about them first. But that’s because I’m a book nerd.
MTV: Will you be getting into a writing zone once this promotional period is over? Meyer: Hopefully. It’s a challenge right now. Actually right now I’m working on my Halloween costume and I totally bit off more than I can chew with it.
MTV: What is it? Meyer: I don’t even know if I’m going to be able to wear it. It’s going to be like sixty pounds on my shoulders. I’m a mermaid being carried by a pirate in a treasure chest.
EliRose The Volturi
Ηλικία : 31 Τόπος : Magnolia Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 26698 Registration date : 20/11/2011